Annie is a dedicated fitness professional with a proven track record in competitive sports, including CrossFit and Olympic weightlifting. Her passion for helping others achieve their fitness goals is evident in her energetic and supportive coaching style. Having previously worked as a secondary school teacher, she has a natural coaching ability and gets a lot of joy out of helping others discover what their body can do.
With a deep understanding of strength and conditioning, Annie specializes in creating personalized strength training programs for both men and women, Olympic lifting and CrossFit gymnastics. She loves forming new connections and working collaboratively with her clients, understanding their challenges and lifestyle, so she can tailor their training to ensure they enjoy the process and unlock their full potential!

- Bachelor of Arts (Education) at the National Institute of Education (NIE)
- Transcend Level 3 Diploma in Gym Instructing and Personal Training (from the PFCA)
- L1 CrossFit Certification
- CrossFit Kids Certification
- Process Education Individual Coaching Course (NASM Approved)
- 2 years of Class Coaching (CrossFit, Gymnastics, Olympic Lifting)
- 2 years of Personal Training
Competitive Sporting Experience
- Represented Crossfit Mobilus at SinCity 2012
- Represented Crossfit Statera at SinCity 2014
- Represented Crossfit Tanjong Pagar at Asian Championships 2016 and 2017
- Participated in the Crossfit Open
- 7th in Singapore 2016
- 6th in Singapore 2017
- Represented Crossfit Mobilus in the Crossfit Quarter-Finals (Team) 2021
- Represented Crossfit Mobilus in the Crossfit Quarter-Finals (Individual) 2022 (77th in Asia)
- Represented Crossfit Mobilus in the Crossfit Quarter-Finals (Individual) 2023 (99th in Asia)
- Represented Crossfit Mobilus in the Crossfit Quarter-Finals and Semi-finals (Team) 2024
- Elite 2015, Women’s Weightlifting 2nd overall
- Elite 2015, Women’s Weightlifting Best by Sinclair
- Singapore National Weightlifting Championship 2016- Women's 58kg Champion
- Represented Singapore at World University Championships Weightlifting 2014 in Chiang Mai
Contact Rugby
- Represented NTU 2012-2014- Women’s Plate Runner-Up 2013
Touch Rugby
- Represented NTU 2011-2012- Singapore University Games Champion 2011
- Represented Vanda Fight Team 2015