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UFIT Singapore12 Aug 20213 min read

How to Fit Fitness into your Busy Schedule

In this busy day and age time is money. Due to hectic lifestyles, some people may sacrifice their health and fitness due to busy work schedules.


We have all heard it before. 

"I didn't have the time"’, "I couldn’t", "It's not the right time", "I'll do it later". 

Sounds all too familiar?


Being healthy should be one of the most important things on your agenda. If you're a hundred percent at work then you can function optimally as well as enjoy what you're doing outside of work. This should incorporate all three parameters of fitness - physical, psychological, and emotional well-being. This takes work to achieve, but here are simple guidelines to use when planning for this:


Tip #1 - Food Prepping

This doesn’t mean you have to be making 5kg of boiled chicken and broccoli for three days worth of food. Food prepping is meant to be a convenience, not a chore. If you work in a busy business, you probably won't have time to eat 5 full "optimal" meals per day. 

Aim for 5-6 protein sources per day, they can be eggs in the morning to having a protein bar as a snack.  Also if finance isn’t a worry, sourcing a meal prep company could be the way forward. Not having to worry about cooking takes a huge burden off your shoulders if time is of the essence. 

Dumbbell Floor Presses at UFIT Club Street Personal Training

Tip #2 - Activity Level

If you want to be in good shape the reality is that you are going to have to commit time to train for that 3 to 5 times per week. There is no quick "4-minute ab workout" that will give you the physique you see on Instagram or other social media platforms or magazines. 

That by no means has to all be in the gym. Being healthy is a long-term lifestyle adjustment.  By increasing your output you will be burning more calories throughout your day. Even if you train 5 days a week for an hour, there are still 163 hours a week where activity is as important. 

Aim for 10,000 steps per day (fitness trackers are readily available these days or use your phone), this can be achieved by walking 20 minutes to get lunch rather than having your lunch delivered.


Tip #3 - Prepare a Go-To Snack

There will always be that time when work or life gets in the way of your eating priorities. But having a protein bar in your bag or some almonds can be very helpful for those times where life gets in the way. Biltong in my eyes is king. Red meat is satiating and tastes amazing, it's low in calories and high in protein. Perfect to fit in your bag or have in a meeting without disturbing everyone with tubs of leftovers from the night before. 


Tip #4 - Get into a Routine

Many busy people that I deal with use this as an excuse: "I forgot to eat". "No you mean that it's not a priority" is my response. 

If you actually sit down, think about actually what you want from your training or fitness goals then building a routine around that is the key to being successful. Sourcing a trainer who can make you accountable for showing up for your session is a start.  Making sure that you make yourself accountable for your actions will help with creating a routine to adhere to.

Assault Bike at UFIT Club Street Personal Training

Tip #5 - Pull the Trigger

Stop talking about it and get on with it. How many people do you know that sit there and moan about not being unfit, overweight, or in bad shape? Take action instead of finding excuses.

Why spend half of your life sacrificing your health for money, and for the second part of your life spending that money trying to get your health back?

It's simple, sit down and write down what you want to achieve. Then put down what steps you are going to take. Sure there will be compromises but don’t block yourself off by talking yourself out of it or worrying about the optimal end goal. Find a coach who has a great reputation for achieving similar goals to what you want or need. Then sit with them and figure out mini-milestones to achieve throughout your time with them. This will break your ultimate goal into digestible chunks. These mini-goals will ultimately build into creating your main goal. 

Don’t try achieve things that are not YOUR goal. Aim high and put one foot in front of the other and that goal in the distance will get a whole lot closer.


Set your wheels in motion now!





UFIT Singapore

We are a team of experienced coaches and clinicians who provide an integrated health and fitness community for people striving to achieve their goals.