Working from home and getting aches from prolonged sitting positions?
Some of us have experienced stiffness and pain in our necks and lower back, especially when we’re working at home or at the office. We spend the majority of our time at our computer screens and mobile phones. In this article, massage therapist Cassie shares some simple stretching exercises that can help to relieve the tightness in your body. These stretches can be done easily on your bed or just anywhere in your house.
4 Simple Stretches for a Stiff Neck
Hold the following stretches for at least 5-10 seconds before slowly returning to the neutral position, repeat 3-4 times
Neck Flexion
- Tilt head downwards, gradually lowering chin towards the chest while looking downward and hold
- Feel the stretch on the back of your neck
- Use two fingers on the upper head and pull downward lightly for a deeper stretch
Neck Extension
- Tilt head upward, gradually looking upward to bring head backward.
- Feel the stretch on the front neck
- Hold the center of the chest with one hand and tilt your head upward to feel a deeper stretch
Lateral Neck Flexion
- Place arm behind the back
- Use the other hand to draw the head down towards the armpit
- Feel the stretch on the back of the neck
- Repeat for the other side
Neck Rotation
- Gradually turn your head to the side as far as you can
- Feel the stretch on the front side of the neck
- Repeat for the other side
4 Simple Stretches for Lower Back and Hip Pain
Hold the following stretches for at least 5-10 seconds before slowly returning to the neutral position, repeat 3-4 times
Cat-Cow Stretch
- Start on your hands and knees, align your arms straight under your shoulders and your knees under your hips
- On the inhale, drop stomach and arch back to lift tailbone and chest towards the ceiling, while looking up
- On the exhale, pull navel to spine, tuck your chin and pelvis towards navel to round the spine
- Repeat for 1 minute or until you feel comfortably stretched
Prayer Stretch
- Start in a tabletop position, knees out wide, and bring your toes to touch
- Sit your hips back on your heels and stretch out your hands, resting your forehead down
- Close your eyes and relax for 30 seconds to 1 minute
Kneeling Lunge Stretch
- Start with a tabletop position on your hands and knees
- Step right foot outside of the right hand, heel-toe the foot forward and out a couple of inches, turn the toes out at a 45-degree angle
- Press hip down, feel the stretch through the front of the left hip flexor
- Hold for 30 seconds and switch sides
Piriformis Stretch
- Lie down with your knees bent and your feet on the ground
- Cross your right ankle over your left thigh, pick up your left foot and loop your right arm between your legs, hug the leg in towards your body to feel the stretch in the outer right hip
- Hold for 30 seconds and switch sides
Let's get stretching!
With all that is going on and the increased hours of staying glued to our electronic devices, take some time and give these stretches a try amidst your busy days stuck at the desk and your body will thank you for it!