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UFIT SingaporeMay 31, 2024 8:30:00 AM4 min read

Miles Fitness Journey: From gaining weight to his first boxing match

When Miles Peckham-Cooper arrived in Singapore, life took an unexpected turn. Once an active individual, his fitness took a backseat as the demands of work and life piled up. Over time, he gained a significant amount of weight and found himself far removed from the fit and active person he once was. At 43 years old, he realized that something needed to change—not just for his well-being, but for his young children who deserved to see their father healthy, energetic, and engaged in life.

Miles had always been passionate about sports, but his busy lifestyle and the challenges of a changing personal life, including a divorce, had left him disconnected from that part of himself. "I wanted my kids to grow up seeing me being active and involved in sports, which had been a big part of my life for years," he reflected. This desire to be a better role model for his children became the driving force behind his decision to embark on a fitness journey.

Finding the Right Support with UFIT

This is when Miles turned to UFIT, a renowned fitness and wellness community, to help him regain control over his health. Initially drawn to UFIT through its association with a rugby club—a sport close to his heart—Miles sought the guidance and accountability that personal training could provide. He knew that losing weight would be key to reclaiming his fitness, but he also understood that he needed expert support to achieve his goals.

The Reality of a Non-Linear Journey

Miles' journey with UFIT was not a straightforward one. "It's been a journey. I wouldn't say it's been a linear line or anything like that," he admitted. Like many people, he experienced ups and downs along the way. At times, his progress seemed slow, and the challenges of maintaining motivation in the face of life's demands were real. However, what set Miles apart was his determination and willingness to keep going, even when the road was tough.

One of the significant challenges Miles faced was the need for clear, tangible goals to keep him focused. His UFIT trainers recognized this and worked closely with him to set specific targets, including incorporating boxing into his training routine as a way to keep him motivated. This structure provided the direction Miles needed, helping him stay on track even during periods of fluctuation.

Overcoming Injuries with a Personalized Approach

His long-term goal was always centered around weight loss, but this was complicated by injuries that Miles had to work around. Achilles tendinitis, shoulder issues, and back pain were all obstacles that could have easily derailed his progress. However, UFIT's personalized approach, which included close collaboration between his trainer Chris and the physio team, ensured that these injuries were managed effectively. "I think the injuries are the key for me to working with UFIT so closely over the last 5 or 6 years, because Chris knows the failings of my body," Miles explained.

This careful management paid off. With consistent effort and expert guidance, Miles not only overcame his injuries but became stronger than ever. "I'm stronger now than I've ever been," he said with pride. The focus on building strength, alongside managing his injuries, allowed Miles to push his limits in a way that was safe and sustainable.

Reaching New Heights: The White-Collar Boxing Challenge

The most dramatic phase of Miles' transformation came in the months leading up to his first white-collar boxing match. With a clear goal in mind, Miles dedicated himself fully to his training and nutrition. The results were astounding. Since January, Miles managed to lose 10kg of body weight, which translated into an impressive 9% body fat loss. Achieving this in such a short space of time was no small feat, especially considering that he also managed to increase his skeletal muscle mass—a testament to the effectiveness of his training program.

Miles' dedication went beyond his training sessions. He was proactive about his nutrition and made sure to stay active outside of the gym, using his sessions with UFIT as a way to drive his overall performance in the right direction. "He's been really focused on ensuring he achieves his goals," his trainer Chris noted. This level of commitment, both inside and outside the gym, was key to his success.

Facing the Fight and Setting New Goals

On the night of the fight, Miles didn't achieve the outcome he had hoped for, but that didn't diminish the incredible progress he had made. His performance in the ring was a culmination of months of hard work, focus, and perseverance. "It still was an awesome night and an awesome fight," Chris said, expressing his pride in Miles' achievements.

Perhaps the most remarkable aspect of Miles' journey is his resilience and ability to refine his goals after each milestone. Rather than resting on his laurels, he set new targets, aiming to reach 80kg while maintaining his muscle mass. His determination to keep pushing forward, despite the challenges, exemplifies the mindset that UFIT aims to cultivate in all its clients.


UFIT Singapore

We are a team of experienced coaches and clinicians who provide an integrated health and fitness community for people striving to achieve their goals.