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UFIT Singapore20 Feb 20243 min read

Debunked by Science: Nutrition Myths Part 4

We’re back with the last part and final 5  mainstream nutrition myths that have been debunked by scientific research. There are plenty more myths out there, so it's best to do your own thorough research too!

Myth #16 - I should eat less and exercise more to lose weight

Weight loss (and gain) is often assumed to be all about willpower and “calories in vs calories out.” But this is completely inaccurate.

The human body is a highly complex biological system with many hormones and brain centers that regulate when and how much we eat. It is well known that genetics, hormones, and various external factors have a huge impact on body weight.

Junk food can also be downright addictive, making people quite literally lose control over their consumption. Although it is still the individual’s responsibility to do something about their weight problem, blaming obesity on some sort of moral failure is unhelpful and inaccurate.

It is a myth that weight gain is caused by some sort of moral failure. Genetics, hormones, and all sorts of external factors have a huge effect.


Myth #17 - Protein leaches calcium from bones and increases risk of osteoporosis

It is commonly believed that eating protein raises the acidity of the blood and leaches calcium from the bones, leading to osteoporosis. Although it is true that a high protein intake increases calcium excretion in the short term, this effect does not persist in the long term.

The truth is that a high protein intake is linked to a massively reduced risk of osteoporosis and fractures in old age. This is one example of where blindly following the conventional nutritional wisdom will have the exact opposite effect of what was intended!

Numerous studies have shown that eating more (not less) protein is linked to a reduced risk of osteoporosis and fractures.

Health conscious woman using a blender

Myth #18 - Low carb diets are dangerous and increase your risk of heart disease

Low-carb diets have been popular for many decades now. Mainstream nutrition professionals have constantly warned us that these diets will end up clogging our arteries. However, since the year 2002, over 20 studies have been conducted on the low-carb diet.

Low-carb diets actually cause more weight loss and improve most risk factors for heart disease more than the low-fat diet. Although the tide is slowly turning, many “experts” still claim that such diets are dangerous, then continue to promote the failed low-fat dogma that science has shown to be utterly useless.

Of course, low-carb diets are not for everyone, but it is very clear that they can have major benefits for people with obesity, type 2 diabetes, and metabolic syndrome… some of the biggest health problems in the world.

Despite having been demonized in the past, many new studies have shown that low-carb diets are much healthier than the low-fat diet still recommended by the mainstream.


Myth #19 - Sugar is mainly harmful because it supplies ‘empty’ calories

Pretty much everyone agrees that sugar is unhealthy when consumed in excess. But many people still believe that it is only bad because it supplies empty calories. Well… nothing could be farther from the truth.

When consumed in excess, sugar can cause severe metabolic problems. Many experts now believe that sugar may be driving some of the world’s biggest killers… including obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer.

Although sugar is fine in small amounts (especially for those who are physically active and metabolically healthy), it can be a complete disaster when consumed in excess.


Myth #20 - Refined seed and vegetable oils lower cholesterol levels and are super healthy

Vegetable oils like soybean and corn oils are high in Omega-6 polyunsaturated fats, which have been shown to lower cholesterol levels. But it’s important to remember that cholesterol is a risk factor for heart disease, not a disease in itself.

Just because something improves a risk factor, it doesn’t mean that it will affect hard end points like heart attacks or death… which is what really counts. The truth is that several studies have shown that these oils increase the risk of death, from both heart disease and cancer.

Even though these oils have been shown to cause heart disease and kill people, some vegetable oils are still generally healthy sources of fat.


How many decades of “research” does it take to figure that out?




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