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Vo2 max Understanding and enhancing your aerobic fitness - Blog banner image
Khai Jamilson25 Mar 20255 min read

Vo2 max: Understanding and enhancing your aerobic fitness

Vo2 max is one of the most significant markers of performance that you may never have heard of. Understanding and striving to improve it should be one of your fitness priorities–it’s a vital measurement of your cardiovascular health and endurance. And while it may sound like a metric for athletes, in actuality it’s important for anyone who wants to optimise their workouts and achieve their physical potential.

Today, we’ll demystify Vo2 max and explain what it is, why it matters, how it can be measured and provide some practical steps to improve it.

What is Vo2 max?

Vo2 max (short for “maximal volume of oxygen uptake”), is the maximum amount of oxygen your body can use during intense exercise. It’s measured in millilitres of oxygen per kilogram of body weight per minute (ml/kg/min).

If that’s still too technical, imagine a car’s fuel tank and engine. The fuel tank represents how much oxygen your body can take in, and the engine’s efficiency represents how well your muscles use that oxygen to move. If the fuel tank is bigger and the engine is more efficient, the car can go further and faster without running out of gas–just like a higher Vo2 max equals better endurance and performance during intense exercise.

Why is Vo2 max important?

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Vo2 max is regarded as the gold standard for measuring cardiovascular fitness; it is a clear measure of your cardiovascular health, which can help you train smarter, not harder. By regularly measuring your Vo2 max, you can track improvements in your aerobic capacity (your body’s ability to take in oxygen, deliver it to your muscles, and use it to produce energy) and evaluate the effectiveness of your training programme.

Understanding your Vo2 max makes it easier to tailor your training and ensure its efficacy. For example, learning your optimal heart rate zones for fat-burning, improving endurance, and optimising recovery rather than estimating them via algorithms or average data.

Regardless of whether your goal is preparing for a competitive endurance event or breaking through a recreational fitness plateau, knowing your Vo2 max can make all the difference.

What is a good Vo2 max?

A “good” Vo2 max varies depending on age, sex, and current condition. Here are some general guidelines for Vo2 max ranges:

Age group

Male (ml/kg/min)

Female (ml/kg/min)
















While top athletes can achieve a Vo2 max exceeding 70 ml/kg/min, most recreational athletes will typically fall somewhere within these averages for their gender and age group.

How to measure your Vo2 max

Laboratory testing is considered the most accurate way to measure Vo2 max. Analyses are conducted under controlled conditions where you’ll wear a mask to measure your breathing while exercising, typically on a treadmill or stationary bike.

Field testing can also provide an estimation of Vo2 max, however, it’s less precise. Typically, this may involve a 12-minute run test or step test, where you step up and down on a platform at a set pace for a specific time, and then measure how quickly your heart rate recovers.

The advent of wearable fitness trackers has also provided a quick and easy way to get a Vo2 max estimation based on your heart rate, activity, and other health-related data. It’s not a bad start, but these should be treated as a way to identify trends, not precise measurements.

Khai Vo2 Max Test

How to improve Vo2 max

Improving Vo2 max takes time and consistency, but the benefits are undeniable. Here are a few ways to optimise your training to see results:

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

Short bursts of intense activity with defined recovery periods. This style of training challenges your cardiovascular system and increases oxygen uptake. An example workout:

  • 30 seconds of cycling on a stationary bike at maximum effort.
  • 90 seconds of light cycling.
  • Repeat for 8 rounds.

Try to perform a diverse range of activities–running, cycling, swimming, etc.–to improve overall cardiovascular.

Low-intensity, steady-state cardio (LISS)

Longer, moderate-intensity exercise helps build your aerobic base, improving oxygen delivery and how your body uses it. An example workout:

  • 60 minutes of jogging at 60–70% of your maximum heart rate (MHR).

Cross training

Training with weights is a great complement to aerobic exercise helps to enhance the efficiency of your muscles and supports improvements in Vo2 max. An example workout:

  • 45–75 minutes of full-body weight training 2–3 times weekly.

Gradually increase the duration, intensity, or frequency of aerobic and weight training to ensure you continually challenge your cardiovascular system.

Prioritise recovery

Recovery is just as important as training. Ensure you get adequate sleep, stay hydrated, and incorporate active recovery sessions into your programme to allow your body time to adapt.

Do you want to test and improve your Vo2 max?

Vo2 max testing is at the core of our Ignition Program, a focused and holistic programme to help you move, feel, and perform better in the long term.

It includes:

  • A metabolic and cardiorespiratory assessment: A measurement of your baseline fitness level, including Vo2 max and resting metabolic rate (RMR).
  • 3 body composition assessments: Measurements of key health metrics like your body fat percentage, muscle mass, and visceral fat levels.
  • 2–3 personal training sessions per week: Personalised programming for you by our experienced coaches based on the data we receive from your assessments and your current condition.
  • 3 nutrition sessions: Education from our Registered Dietician to personalise your nutrition and help you breed sustainable habits.
  • Unlimited access to group classes: Work on your mobility, cardio, strength, and outside of your weekly personal training sessions. 

Your Vo2 max is more than just a number–it’s a powerful tool to understand your fitness. However, as with all data, it’s only helpful if you know what to do with it. Our team can help you turn numbers into actionable steps to achieve your goals. So, if you’re ready to ignite greatness, contact us today to get started!

Khai Jamilson
Khai is the Lead Sport & Exercise Scientist at UFIT. He started as a personal trainer who got into health and fitness through his love of sports. He picked up rugby when he was 16 and has been playing for the Singapore Wanderers Rugby Club for over 10 years.